You’ll also still be able to post links to content on blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter or other online media at no charge and will continue to offer free RSS stories for websites (found here).
Although when you look at the permissions for quoting stories you see:
Under certain circumstances, it is permissible to quote or take an excerpt from a article; however, prior permission is required before using any text in this manner. Please submit a Permissions request for our consideration.
Whether that's a new requirement or not, its one I've been ignoring (and intend to continue to ignore).
h/t the kid.
It's obvious they didn't think this through before they contracted with iCopyright.
Chris Ball's post was completely pointless.
Thanks for the link!
The Gaurdian editor, Alan Rusbridger, recently talked about the "business model"argument that "the age of free is over".
One effect, in an age when a scoop has a life of about 3 minutes, is that news organizations will isolate themselves from the way news now gets around.
// And there was Trafigura [...] a truly shocking story about a company which had hitherto been comfortably anonymous and which wanted to keep it that way.
Again, this started as a piece of conventional reporting by David Leigh [...] After dumping toxic waste in the Ivory Coast Trafigura was hit with a class action by 30,000 Africans who claimed to have been injured as a result. The company employed Carter-Ruck to chivvy journalists into obedient silence and then, having secured the mother of all super-injunctions, made the mistake of warning journalists that they could not even report mentions of Trafigura in parliament.
One tweet and that legal edifice crumbled.
This animated map of what the Twitterati were discussing, or searching for, showed how – within 12 hours of my tweeting a suitably gnomic post saying we had been gagged – Trafigura became the most popular subject on Twitter in Europe.
Some tweeters beavered away trying to find out what it was they were banned from knowing. One erudite tweeter uncovered something called the 1840 Parliamentary Papers Act, which no media lawyers seem to know about. Others pointed to where a suppressed document was available. Others found and published the parliamentary question we were warned not to report.
Within hours Trafigura had thrown in the towel on the injunction and dropped any pretence that they could enforce a ban on parliamentary reporting.
The mass collaboration of strangers had achieved something it would have taken huge amounts of time and money to achieve through conventional journalism or law. //
CBC should try firing 50% of its legal staff.
Clearly, they have too much time on their hands, and, naturally with no real work to do, desire to take over running the corp.
CBC should try firing 50% of its legal staff.
Like I said the other day, CBC is probably outsourcing its legal work to Bangalore, if not North Korea.
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