As it happens, my very first job was delivering The Victoria Colonist, the TC's predecessor before this paper merged with the Daily Times back in 1980. I have fond memoriess. I used to transport my papers on the back of a two-wheel golf-bag carrier, and I'd bring a pocket full of dog-biscuits for the local mutts. That part of Vancouver Island was semi-rural back in the day, and most people let their dogs run loose through the subby. By the time I crossed the wooden bridge over Millstream Creek, I'd usually have a small pack following me, including Riel, our poodle, Duke, our neighbor's black lab, and Sherlock, the Basset Hound who used to sleep right in the middle of Bellamy Road (and was, alas, run over one night while so doing).
Good times. Nevertheless, die media die.
PS. I think the wiki article is wrong; when the merger happened in 1980, it was called the Victoria Colonist, not the British Colonist.
Perhaps it should fold National Post and just get it over with. Put it out of its misery.
@ Jymn Parrett.
I don't like NatPo's opinion pieces, but I do find myself reading some of its articles when I want a view from the "other side." I would hate for the right wing in this country to be represented exclusively by QMI.
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