He's now saying the "assault" took place at 8:00 AM, rather than early morning in the dark. And it SOUNDS LIKE THE MAYOR LEFT BEFORE 911 SHOWED UP. Listen to the last 30 seconds or so. It sounds like, despite his fears, he buggered off before the cops arrived. "I left, I left." he says. He had to get to council. Very damaging, if that's how things played out.
He called 911 and then left? WTF? What was the emergency again?...oh right, there wasn't one.
This is my interpretation of the vid. The guy is not too coherent, so I may be wrong. But, if its right...
This guy got elected even when he was found in violation of conflict of interest rules and after years of abusive, incoherent, childish, bullying behaviour. As far as I can see nothing could do could be "very damaging." Harper got a majority when he was the first leader in commonwealth history to be found in contempt of parliament. People just don't care, they'll elect anyone.
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