Ontario's largest ski resort has laid off 1,300 workers after closing down its ski operations in the middle of the winter season for the first time in the resort's 65-year history.
No dollar value, but you've got to figure over a thousand people earning...what...$500 to $1,000 a pay?...and sent home for a couple of weeks
A little further down, the story mentions that two city-run ski hills that were to have opened on Dec. 18 remain closed, said Don Boyle, costing the city some $300,000 in revenue.
But you have compare that to the benefits of global warming. Hotter temperatures mean more profits for swimming pool operators, A/C manufacturers, and soft drink makers. Shouldn't we be thinking of the interests of the A/C repair guy and the dude who sells bottled water at the beach?
Can't run the A/C if the grid blows out.
All that arctic real estate might actually become worth something. A little beach front retreat on Baffin Island, get in now and beat the rush.
and they are all working at the golf courses which are still open.
gawd damn ya gotta respect a little bit of climate love from Mother Nature.
If this lack of snow in Ontario proves the GW theory, then the 30ft at Whistler this year, WAY above "normal" must prove global cooling eh ??
In December, in Vancouver, we were subjected to 2 ft of snow, which stayed for nearly 3 weeks. And it's still freezing out here...
Global Warming??? Meh!
Look, if it's warm in Don Mills then that's proof enough for BSL!
Is there a difference between Global WarmingTM and Climate Change??
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