A few morning-after thoughts. One of the big questions surrounding the whole Levant/Vigna affair has always been: what upset Vigna that day back in 2007? As you recall (because you are as obsessed by this stuff as I am, obviously), Vigna was participating in one of the Warman vs. Lemire hearings on behalf of the CHRC when, on the morning of May 11th, he told chairperson Athanasios D. Hadjis that he could not continue. It has occasionally been intimated that he saw the quality of Lemire's evidence and decided that discretion was the greater part of valour, but what actually happened is made clear from the
Vigna v. Levant decision:

So a number of white nationalists, we may assume, associated with the Lemire camp, we may assume, threatened Vigna and thugged it up with some of the hearing's security staff. That would be enough to upset anyone, I should think. And, just as a aside, these facts came up during the trial but, oddly enough, Terrence Watson
didn't mention them in his article on the topic. That must have been one the places where Terrence lost interest.
And another interesting thing. Take a look at this:

truewest pointed out, Vigna represented himself, and Ezra still lost. That's gotta sting. And not good news for any of his co-defendents in the other cases.
Levant's track record for losing cases against him is nearly perfect...
Well, can't Levant just say he should have represented himself, he would have done it better? But of course, he probably would have charged himself too high a fee.
Well in fairness Vigna may have self-represented but he is a lawyer...
While glancing at Ezra's comments, I saw a link to a group about freeeeedom:
which is supported by a Reform Christian group:
Both claim to be grassroots groups, but that I doubt.
The human rights thingy is Neil Dykstra. Slick website, a day of coverage by Sun chain. Not much else.
Never heard of the other guys.
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