Saying the government was not involved in negotiating the plea bargain, Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon confirmed that Ottawa will allow Mr. Khadr’s repatriation during Question Period on Monday.

Mr. Cannon demonstrating that his hands are clean.
One of your best heds ever.
Khadr and Edney should watch "I Am a Fugitive From a Chain Gang". I don't trust Clement any more than I do the justice system in the south of the 30's. Somehow I don't think Khadr will be as lucky as Paul Muni's character and that is sad indeed.
Loving it! The reason the Reformatories were so up in arms against Khadr's repatriation was to use the the issue to paint the opposition as supporting terrorists.
Looks good on the Reformatards that Harper himself will 'Welcome Back Khadr'.
And no I'm not getting sick of this play on words. I loved 70's TV :)
'..Reformatories were so up in arms against Khadr's repatriation was to use the the issue to paint the opposition as supporting terrorists...
Yah, silly Reformatorties!
If the Liberals supported terrorists,
Chretien or Martin would have repatriated Khadr when they were in government instead of leaving him in Gitmo.
You mean, the Liberals COULD be talking about their plan for seniors, but the last two weeks they wanted to talk about a poor, hard-done by terrorist instead?
Oh.........great! :)
"Khadr and Edney should watch "I Am a Fugitive From a Chain Gang""
Can I just say that the universe is very weird? I was reading about pre-Hays Code movies last night (for the first time) and that one came up a few times... had never heard of it before and thought about looking it up.
Then it is mentioned here, less than 24 hours later? Maybe Jung was on to something.
Also, good post. Khadr is going to be a hot potato for the Conservatives, but they'll probably use him to gin up populist outrage in some way.
Just wait till his lawsuit.
Wilson masturbates to the vision of Khadr dying in Gitmo.
I see wilson's been hitting the sauce again doubt from Harper making Khadr's repatriation come true.
Oh give wilson a break. She's been hiding out on conservative censored blogs for quite a while now, waiting for some sliver of good news for Harper before bravely venturing to hostile territory in order to gloat.
She really has not had much to do lately. I think maybe she is getting bored.
As for Khadr, Cannon is being too cute by half. Of course Canada was not involved in plea negotiations, but I am willing to bet Canada's agreement to allow him to serve his time in Canada were crucial for getting Khadr to take the deal.
So whether or not we took part in the negotiations, we had to participate in some fashion for this to go through. Not that I am complaining - nice to see the government doing the right thing for a fellow citizen.
nice to see the government doing the right thing for a fellow citizen. - Gayle
A Toronto born terrorist and killer. Please keep him out east, k?
Just wait till his lawsuit. - Terrence
LOL. You're such a joker, T.
Oh Paul. Silly Paul.
Khadr is entitled to the protection of the Charter, which entitles him to mobility rights, which means he can travel freely about the country.
You should be celebrating. The Harper government finally did something right!
"You should be celebrating. The Harper government finally did something right!
If by that you mean offering protection as per our constitution to a citizen overseas (and yes this still applies even when they commit serious crimes) - something that, if not followed, is a serious abrogation of our national sovereignty (do you think the US allows foreign countries to prosecute their citizens?) - and one of the few international norms that pre-date the UN - then ya, I guess Harper finally did something right.
Oh Paul. Silly Paul. - Gayle
No, silly, silly, foolish Gayle.
Khadr is entitled to the protection of the Charter, which entitles him to mobility rights, which means he can travel freely about the country.
Then invite the convicted murderer and terrorist to live in your neighbourhood Gayle. Show your compassion and rent him a room. Just make sure you don't have any fertilizer laying around.
. . . do you think the US allows foreign countries to prosecute their citizens? - T of KW
Duh, yeah. All the time. What are you talking about?
Sorry Paul that was worded poorly. If someone commits a crime in, say Japan - they will be on trial there and, if convicted, will do time in a Japanese jail.
I meant for US citizens being tried overseas in terrorism cases. I don't understand all their constitutional legalities or sovereignty issues, however the US uses extradition treaties to make certain it's citizens caught plotting acts of terrorism are brought to a Federal US Court.
Oh Paul.
Maybe you forgot what you wrote? I can understand, since you wrote it only hours before your reply to me.
No one will be "keeping" Khadr out east, Paul. He will live where he wants, as he is entitled to do.
PS. I live in Alberta silly boy. I could not care less if he chooses to live here or in Inuvik. His choice.
Well too bad Khadr's Charter rights will cost us untold millions in surveillance for decades to come.
Here's hoping he stays out east and chums around with whichever members of the Toronto 18 are on parole.
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